Affiliate Marketing
Since I started my YouTubing adventures, I've been trying to bring the best content I can to the channel with my own money. I do not have sponsorships or paid promotions or any other form of monetization. Recently, I discovered something new called affiliate marketing. Essentially I can work with brands to promote their products and bring traffic to their sites by affiliate links. In so doing, I receive a small percentage of commission. I have started linking with brands that I know and trust. Many are brands that I use every day. I'm not asking or pushing you to buy products just to support the channel. But I am asking you to review the brands I've partnered with and if you are planning to buy from one of these brands, I just ask that you consider going to their site by clicking on my link so that I can receive the commission. It won't cost you anything extra, and you'll be supporting the channel with a purchase that you were going to make anyway. Her...