Fire Safe Gender Reveals

We're back! In this video, I'm going to show some different options for fire safe gender reveals. Over the past few years, we've seen instances where a time of joy announcing the arrival of a little one, has turned into a major natural disaster. Wildfire. Wildfires lead to millions of dollars of devastation every year. While there are few fires started by firearms, they do still occur. While this video may not be as exciting as Tannerite Gender Reveals, it's almost certainly safer. So let's take a look at our options today. All of the shots in the video were taken with the H&R Pardner 12 gauge using Federal 4 Buck. Spray Paint Choose the color you'd like for your reveal, line them up in a pyramid shape and blast away. You're going to want to be at least 15 - 25 yards away for this one... Mix and match shades to make an even more spectacular show. Spray paint runs almost $5 a can where I live, so this one can runs about $20 - $25. Corn Sta...