Fire Safe Gender Reveals
We're back!
In this video, I'm going to show some different options for fire safe gender reveals. Over the past few years, we've seen instances where a time of joy announcing the arrival of a little one, has turned into a major natural disaster. Wildfire. Wildfires lead to millions of dollars of devastation every year. While there are few fires started by firearms, they do still occur.
While this video may not be as exciting as Tannerite Gender Reveals, it's almost certainly safer. So let's take a look at our options today.
All of the shots in the video were taken with the H&R Pardner 12 gauge using Federal 4 Buck.
Spray Paint
Choose the color you'd like for your reveal, line them up in a pyramid shape and blast away. You're going to want to be at least 15 - 25 yards away for this one...
Mix and match shades to make an even more spectacular show. Spray paint runs almost $5 a can where I live, so this one can runs about $20 - $25.
Corn Starch Powder
Head to your local grocery store and grab a 16oz can of corn starch powder. Then, head to your local hardware store, and pick up a bottle of construction chalk. If you're reveal consists of pink or blue, you're in luck. If you want any other color... this won't work. Scoop a couple ounces of corn starch off the top, and pour in the construction chalk. Pour it as full as possible, then replace the lid and shake vigorously. Stand back at least 15 yards, and blast away! Around here, corn starch powder is about $3 for 16oz, and construction chalk is about $8 a bottle. This is the chalk for chalk lines. You should be able to make this reveal for under $15.
Paint Balloons
This one is alot of fun, and very inexpensive. Head to your local dollar variety store and pick up a package of black balloons, 2 bottles of dollar variety kids craft paint (pick your reveal color, then buy one bottle of white paint to mix), and a balloon pump (this is optional, but it helps alot).
Take an empty water bottle and fill it half way with your reveal color, then the other half with the white paint. Add a tablespoon of water to thin out the paint. Replace the cap on the water bottle and shake vigorously.
You can use a ball point pen to make a small hole in the cap of the water bottle, this will make it easier to fill the balloons. Slip the ring of the balloon over the top of the water bottle and squeeze some of the paint into the balloon.
I used 6 balloons for the reveal. Use the balloon pump to add some air to the balloons and tie them off. Be careful and make sure not to wear nice clothes for this!!
I spray painted a pallet white, and stapled the ring of the balloons to the pallet. Be careful not to puncture the balloons through this whole process... it tends to paint your clothes and the pallet... and ruin the surprise.
Stand back at least 15 yards and blast away!
I hope you all enjoy this video. Please be sure to like and subscribe on YouTube. You can also follow Idaho Rifleman on Facebook and Instagram.
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God bless,
Idaho Rifleman
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