45 Colt vs 45 ACP part 2

This video was back by popular request! Part 1 was just fun and not very scientific, so I put out a request for what you all wanted to see me shoot the fresh gel with. You all answered and so I remade this video!

For the test I used the same 1911 45 ACP from Rock Island Armory, but the 45 Colt was a different revolver with a slightly longer barrel. I fired the same ammo as the first test from the same distance of 5 yards. But I fired into fresh 10% FBI Blocks of ballistics gel from Clear Ballistics. The results were pretty good. I was surprised that the +P 45 ACP rounds stopped in the first block, but they had pretty good energy transfer in the entry. I was hoping to catch the FMJ type rounds, but they zipped right through the gel. The Leverevolution 45 Colt round stopped in the second block, but really didn't expand at all. 

I had fun with this test, both sets of rounds performed well and both handguns were very comfortable and easy shooters. Head over to YouTube and check out the Idaho Rifleman channel to see this and all the other videos!

Thanks for stopping by!

God bless, 
Idaho Rifleman


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