Rona (got me going) Ballistics

Ugh. I'm sorry I haven't got you guys a video over the past two weekends. I had a funeral on the 15th. The week leading up to the funeral was hectic with planning and prep. I just really wasn't in the frame of mind or physically able to get a video out. 

Then COVID knocked me flat on my butt.

I tested positive on the 19th and man it felt like I got hit by a truck over night. I was fine and symptom free when I went to sleep on the 18th, then bam. I slept like crap the first night, then woke up early with horrible body aches mainly in my neck, back, and shoulder (which are all areas of injury for me). It was terrible. 

The following is how COVID decided to knock me down:
Sore Throat - 5 days
Horrible Body Aches - 5 days
Restless Nights - 5 days
Fever - 24 hours starting 12 hours after body aches
Stomach bug - 24 hours starting after body aches
Pounding Heartbeat and Anxiety - 24 hours intermittent starting after body aches
Coughing and congestion - 10 days and counting
Fatigue and exhaustion - started on day 5 and still going

It's terrible. I've been off work and still waiting to be cleared back. Looks like it's going to be another week at this point. I've been taking Zicam and Vitamin C as well as Liquid IV. 

Since I'm now 10 days symptomatic, my doctor is concerned there might be something else brewing so she prescribed me an antibiotic which is now worse than the COVID stomach bug...

So ya, COVID sucks, all 3 of us got sick with it. Rifleman Jr got over his in about 4-5 days and is totally back to normal. Mrs Rifleman is still fighting it. And well you saw where I'm at with symptoms. 

I should be able to get a video out tomorrow depending how I'm feeling. I'm going to try my best for you guys. 

Don't catch this. It really sucks. This has been your Idaho Rifleman update. Be sure to head over to YouTube and check out the videos that I've uploaded over the last year. Thanks for stopping by!

God bless, 
Idaho Rifleman


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